How I Became a Superhero in 48 Hours or Shit Just Got Real!

48 hours ago I saw the following tweet that a fellow tweep named Konrad retweeted. All I kind-of know about Konrad is that he’s funny and English… oh, and his Twitter avatar is …

So, when I saw his tweet about those really cool, nerdy-chic soaks, I’ve allowed my three-year-old brain to respond in the only way it knows: “Me.Wants.Now”… Not thinking any more about this, because… squirrel…

Screen shot 2013-04-30 at 6.38.41 PM

45 hours later, I saw Konrad’s reply (above),  thinking, “hmmm, that’s old?” But I was too busy at work (squirrel!) to pay further attention (where?).

Then, when I got back home, I saw a box from Amazon waiting by my door. Now, you should know that as an Amazon Prime user, boxes from Amazon arrive at our door almost daily, so I didn’t open this one right away. (Squirrl!)

2 Closed

When I finally got around to open the box, there was no one, but TWO, gift boxes tucked inside. Now that NEVER EVER happened to me before. EVER! (Squirrel, be gone!)

3 Open

First, I thought Amazon really, really loves me and decided to send me a gift. Then I thought, the UPS guy left the box at my address by mistake. So I checked the label, and it was mine!

I pulled the boxes out, thinking, “Hmmm? Is my memory completely gone, or did I ask Amazon to put my last order in a box and ribbon?” I’ve been experiencing a few senior moments like this lately. (did I mentioned, squirrel?) 😀

4 BoxesSo I flipped open the card and… AAAHHH!!!

5 Card

— “Me.Wants.Now”
— “You.Has.Now”

My prayer was answered. Well, not really a prayer as much as a three-year-old yearning, but you get the point.
Shit just got real!
Santa is real… and he lives in London… and he comes in April and he wears brown UPS shorts! (shoo, squirrel!)

Then I opened the gift boxes… and… :-O
… died.

6 Socks

Hell, yeah… this is what cool, nerd-chic heaven looks like! 🙂 Socks with capes FTW!

A QUICK REALITY CHECK: Seriously, what are the chances that me, myself or I will ever go to heaven? 0 to 100%? So it seems that the rumors of my death have been greatly exaggerated (thank you, Mark Twain).

But now that I am not prematurely (he he he)  dead, I seriously envy myself. Like s.e.r.i.o.u.s.l.y!

And with that said… guess what I am going to wear for the premier of “Man of Steel”?

7 Legs(Yes, these be my sexy, white legs in a leotard and cape)

THANK YOU KONRAD!!! (@aBitBent on Twitter) I feel incredibly rich, too… and YOU ARE AWESOME! (squirrel).

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